BloodSource Content / BloodSource Content for UC Davis en Blood Drive Shares in Excitement Over Football /news/blood-drive-shares-excitement-over-football <p>Eager fans who can’t wait for the Causeway Classic football game have a chance to beat Sac State on a different kind of field next week: in bloodmobiles stationed around the Quad for the three-day Causeway Classic Blood Drive.</p> October 30, 2018 - 12:23pm Dave Jones /news/blood-drive-shares-excitement-over-football One Causeway Classic Down, One to Go /news/one-causeway-classic-down-one-go <p>The Aggies and Hornets will face each other this weekend on the football field, but one Causeway Classic contest has already been decided.</p> <p>UC Davis defeated Sacramento State in the 10th annual Causeway Classic Blood Drive, in which the ԹϺ with the most participants in its on-campus blood drive and at donation centers around the region wins the perpetual trophy.</p> <p>“Yes, Aggies, that means that UC Davis still holds the title as the Causeway Classic Blood Drive Champion and now leads this competition, 6-4,” Felicia LaMothe of BloodSource said in an email message.</p> November 14, 2017 - 1:00pm Cody Kitaura /news/one-causeway-classic-down-one-go Chancellor Boosts Blood Drive: Save Lives and #BeatSacState /news/chancellor-blood-drive-save-lives-beat-sac-state <p>Chancellor Gary S. May knows full well the Causeway Classic isn’t just about football. We also have the Causeway Classic Blood Drive — and the chancellor stopped by this afternoon (Nov. 7) to show his support.</p> <p>The blood bank runs from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. today through Thursday (Nov. 7-9) in bloodmobiles on both sides of the Quad. We’re in the 10th year of this annual competition with Sacramento State, to see which campus can bring out the most donors.</p> November 07, 2017 - 9:39am Dave Jones /news/chancellor-blood-drive-save-lives-beat-sac-state NEWS BRIEFS: No More Teaching With SmartSite After June /news/news-briefs-no-more-teaching-smartsite-after-june <p>It’s really happening. The instructional use of SmartSite will end when spring term concludes in June.</p> <p>“As planned, SmartSite will no longer be an active learning management system once spring quarter ends, without exceptions,” said David Levin, director of Academic Technology Services (ATS) in Information and Educational Technology.</p> <p>“We want everyone to know this is a firm deadline,” he said. “About 85 percent of instructors are already using its replacement, UC Davis Canvas, and we don’t want the final 15 percent to be left behind.”</p> April 18, 2017 - 10:20am Cody Kitaura /news/news-briefs-no-more-teaching-smartsite-after-june NEWS BRIEFS: Blood Drive Wednesday-Thursday /news/news-briefs-blood-drive-wednesday-thursday <p>Winter storms hammering the region have been good for ski resorts but bad for blood banks, which are seeing a decline in donors due to weather and illness.</p> <p>This week, the UC Davis community has a chance to bolster the Northern California supply, by visiting the bloodmobiles on the Quad, Wednesday and Thursday (Jan. 18-19). Hours will be 10 a.m. to 5 p.m., and, as always, staff and faculty can go to the head of the line to minimize their wait times.</p> January 17, 2017 - 11:52am Dave Jones /news/news-briefs-blood-drive-wednesday-thursday NEWS BRIEFS: Diversity-Inclusion Plan Up for Review /news/news-briefs-clown-sightings-reported-campus <p>A draft of the campus’s new Diversity and Inclusion Strategic Plan will be the subject of a community forum from 5 to 7 p.m. this Thursday (Oct. 27).</p> <p>The committee behind the plan is seeking additional feedback on top of what has come in online. <a href="">The draft plan is posted here</a>, on a page that includes a “Submit your feedback” button.</p> October 25, 2016 - 12:00pm Hailey Rose Jenkins /news/news-briefs-clown-sightings-reported-campus Painted Piano, Data Win, Cochlear Implants: Dateline Download /news/painted-piano-data-win-cochlear-implants <p>The arboretum is a good place for making music, on guitars and drums and other easily transportable instruments — and, now, there’s even a piano for anyone to play, thanks to the city of Davis’ summertime public piano program. In photo above, Casey Davis, a student academic specialist in the Student Academic Success Center, takes a turn at the keyboard during the Folk Music Jam Session on July 1.</p> July 12, 2016 - 9:00am Dave Jones /news/painted-piano-data-win-cochlear-implants NEWS BRIEFS: Stokes named emergency manager /news/news-briefs-stokes-named-emergency-manager <p>Clement Stokes is the campus’s new director of emergency management and mission continuity. He previously served as director of emergency management at Northwestern University for seven years.</p> <p>Part of the Safety Services unit, he will work closely with the Event and Crisis Management Team, chaired by the chancellor and provost, as well as emergency officials throughout the region.</p> February 01, 2016 - 2:38pm Dave Jones /news/news-briefs-stokes-named-emergency-manager