Venture Catalyst Content / Venture Catalyst Content for UC Davis en New Startups Built From UC Davis Research and Innovation Emerge With Solutions in Health, Energy and Agriculture /news/new-startups-built-uc-davis-research-and-innovation-emerge-solutions-health-energy-and Nine startup companies commercializing technology from UC Davis over the past year September 23, 2021 - 2:15pm Andy Fell /news/new-startups-built-uc-davis-research-and-innovation-emerge-solutions-health-energy-and Innovative Startups Commercializing UC Davis Technologies /news/innovative-startups-commercializing-uc-davis-technologies <p>During the past fiscal year, 15 emerging startups executed agreements to access patented technology developed at the University of California, Davis.</p> <p>“Startups play an essential role in advancing and commercializing new technologies that are developed by researchers and innovators at UC Davis,” said Prasant Mohapatra, vice chancellor of research at UC Davis. “These partnerships lead to substantial contributions to society in the form of new products, services and economic growth.”</p> August 21, 2020 - 9:00am Andy Fell /news/innovative-startups-commercializing-uc-davis-technologies 14 New Startups Emerge From UC Davis Innovations /news/14-new-startups-emerge-uc-davis-innovations <p>Technologies developed at the University of California, Davis, enabled the foundation of 14 startup companies during the fiscal year ending June 30, 2019.</p> <p>“Research universities like UC Davis are a key source of vital innovation for numerous industries,” said Prasant Mohapatra, vice chancellor for research at UC Davis. “These startups are undertaking the important first steps in developing and refining the commercial potential of their inventions. It’s exciting to see such a wide range of entrepreneurial undertakings based on our campus innovations.”&nbsp;</p> July 19, 2019 - 4:22pm Andy Fell /news/14-new-startups-emerge-uc-davis-innovations Record Number of UC Davis Startups for 2017-18 /news/record-number-uc-davis-startups-2017-18 <p>The University of California, Davis, enabled the foundation of 16 commercial companies during the fiscal year ending June 30, an all-time high for the ԹϺ. This brings the total number of startups made possible by UC Davis technologies during the past 10 years to&nbsp;137.</p> July 31, 2018 - 4:43pm Andy Fell /news/record-number-uc-davis-startups-2017-18 Bayer Collaborates With UC Davis Venture Catalyst to Support Regional Innovation and Entrepreneurship /news/bayer-collaborates-uc-davis-venture-catalyst-support-regional-innovation-and-entrepreneurship <p>The University of California, Davis, announced today a strategic collaboration agreement with <a href="">Bayer Crop Science</a> to foster innovation and economic development in the Sacramento region by providing dedicated facility support for ԹϺ-affiliated startups — particularly those in the areas of agriculture and food-related technologies.&nbsp;</p> March 23, 2018 - 1:10pm Kimberly L Hale /news/bayer-collaborates-uc-davis-venture-catalyst-support-regional-innovation-and-entrepreneurship TechAccel Makes Further Pledge to the UC Davis Venture Catalyst STAIR Grant Program to Promote Agriculture /news/techaccel-makes-further-pledge-uc-davis-venture-catalyst-stair-grant-program-promote <p><a href="">UC Davis Venture Catalyst</a> and TechAccel LLC, a Kansas City-based technology and venture development company, today announced an expanded partnership that provides increased support for the ԹϺ’s Science Translation and Innovative Research (STAIR™) Grant program, which provides funding for proof-of-concept research aimed at demonstrating commercial feasibility of ԹϺ-generated technologies.</p> March 12, 2018 - 1:58pm Kimberly L Hale /news/techaccel-makes-further-pledge-uc-davis-venture-catalyst-stair-grant-program-promote AB 2664 Innovation Funds Show Early Signs of Impact at UC Davis /news/ab-2664-innovation-funds-show-early-signs-impact-uc-davis <p>A $2.2 million investment from the state is propelling new innovation and entrepreneurship efforts at the University of California, Davis, through enhancements to its related infrastructure, resources and business training programs. The one-time funding was received in early 2017 under Assembly Bill 2664 — the UC Innovation and Entrepreneurship Expansion Bill authored by Assembly member Jacqui Irwin, D-Thousand Oaks — and is showing signs of early impact in terms of new technologies, startup companies and talent development.</p> November 30, 2017 - 11:43am Kimberly L Hale /news/ab-2664-innovation-funds-show-early-signs-impact-uc-davis UC Davis Recognized as Innovation of the Year Honoree in Annual Awards /news/uc-davis-recognized-innovation-year-honoree-annual-awards <p>University of California, Davis, Chancellor Gary S. May, accepted the 2017 Innovation of the Year&nbsp;honor today (Nov. 7) on behalf of the ԹϺ at the second annual Sacramento Region Innovation Awards.</p> November 07, 2017 - 2:01pm Kimberly L Hale /news/uc-davis-recognized-innovation-year-honoree-annual-awards New UC Davis Startups Tackle Complex Problems /news/new-uc-davis-startups-tackle-complex-problems <p>The University of California, Davis, enabled the foundation of 14 commercial startups during the past fiscal year through licensing agreements, or exclusive options to obtain such licenses, for technologies developed at the ԹϺ. This brings the total number of new startups in the past five years to 63.</p> September 26, 2017 - 4:55pm Andy Fell /news/new-uc-davis-startups-tackle-complex-problems $2.2 Million in State Funds to Enhance Entrepreneurship and Innovation /news/22-million-state-funds-enhance-entrepreneurship-and-innovation <p>The University of California,&nbsp;Davis, announced today its receipt of $2.2 million in one-time funding from Assembly Bill 2664, the Innovation and Entrepreneurship Expansion bill authored by Assemblymember Jacqui Irwin, D-Thousand Oaks, and signed last fall by Gov. Jerry Brown. AB 2664 is designed to propel new innovation and entrepreneurship efforts across the University of California through investments in infrastructure, incubators&nbsp;and entrepreneurship education programs.</p> January 18, 2017 - 6:40pm Andy Fell /news/22-million-state-funds-enhance-entrepreneurship-and-innovation