Principles of Community Week Content / Principles of Community Week Content for UC Davis en Principles of Community Week Returns Feb. 12 /news/principles-community-week-returns-feb-12 <p><span>Principles of Community Week returns to Davis, Sacramento and Zoom rooms all around the world starting Feb. 12. </span></p> <p><span>In the words of organizers, the UC Davis event “</span>celebrates the&nbsp;<a href="">Principles of Community</a>&nbsp;— our shared aspirations to value our individual differences and common ground, as we work to create an inclusive and intellectually vibrant community<span>.”</span></p> February 06, 2024 - 9:55am Cody Kitaura /news/principles-community-week-returns-feb-12 Celebrating the Principles of Community /news/celebrating-principles-of-community Principles of Community Week, starting Feb. 22, “is a time to remember and celebrate our collective values such as affirming the right of freedom of expression, rejecting violence in all forms and rejecting all manifestations of discrimination.” February 15, 2022 - 3:52pm Dave Jones /news/celebrating-principles-of-community Celebrating and Exploring During Principles of Community Week /news/celebrating-exploring-principles-community-week <p>UC Davis is celebrating its Principles of Community this week —&nbsp;the ideals that “keep us grounded in a spirit of mutual respect,” as Chancellor Gary S. May said during the opening ceremony Monday (Feb. 22).</p> <p>“It means we find strength in our diversity and recognize the value we all bring to UC Davis, no matter what our background or point of view may be,” May said of the document, first signed in 1990.</p> February 23, 2021 - 9:49am Cody Kitaura /news/celebrating-exploring-principles-community-week Reaffirming the Meaning Behind the Principles of Community /news/reaffirming-meaning-behind-principles-community <p>Principles of Community Week is approaching, and after the events of 2020 the Office of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion is asking the campus community to describe the document in a campaign that will become a reaffirmation of our values — the way Aggies treat one another and want to be treated — in future years.</p> <p>“When you — our students, our educators, our researchers, our staff — think about what the Principles of Community ought to be, what words come to mind?” the office said in an email to students today (Feb. 9).</p> February 09, 2021 - 11:00am Cody Kitaura /news/reaffirming-meaning-behind-principles-community Shout It Out: Principles of Community Week /news/shout-it-out-principles-community-week <p>Every day is Principles of Community Day at UC Davis, though we need not say it out loud. We know it’s there, this document that embodies the values about treating one another and how we want to be treated ourselves, with equity and justice.</p> February 20, 2020 - 7:19am Dave Jones /news/shout-it-out-principles-community-week Celebrating the Principles of Community /news/principles-community-week-horizon <p><strong>Updated 3:30 p.m. Feb. 19: </strong>The sand mandala project has been canceled, but the Community Art Mandala Workshop is still on for Thursday, Feb. 28. <em>See the schedule below.</em></p> <p><strong>The Updated 6 p.m. Feb. 13 </strong>to note a change in time for the Racial Healing Circle, and to add it to the list of events for which RSVPs are requested.</p> <p class="text-align-center"><strong>•••</strong></p> February 24, 2019 - 3:51pm Dave Jones /news/principles-community-week-horizon Mandala Unites Joy and Principles of Community /news/mandala-unites-joy-and-principles-community <p>A sand mandala project by Tibetan monks from the East Bay has unfortunately been canceled, but UC Davis is still hosting a Community Art Mandala Workshop, free and family friendly, the evening of Thursday, Feb. 28.</p> February 19, 2019 - 2:54pm Dave Jones /news/mandala-unites-joy-and-principles-community Principles of Community Week 2018 /news/principles-community-week-2018 <p>UC Davis’ annual Principles of Community Week will be Feb. 26 to March 3, celebrating the nearly 30-year-old document that serve as an aspirational statement affirming our commitment to the highest standards of civility and decency towards all.</p> February 16, 2018 - 12:39pm Dave Jones /news/principles-community-week-2018 Principles of Community Week: 'This Is Who We Are' /news/principles-community-week-starts-monday <p>Every year around this time we celebrate Principles of Community Week — a time to renew our commitment to the principles and declare, “This is who we aspire to be.” This year's Principles of Community Week, Feb. 29-March 4, also allows us to make a statement about the suspected hate crime of Feb. 15, to declare, “This is NOT who we are.”</p> February 23, 2016 - 11:52am Dave Jones /news/principles-community-week-starts-monday