Financial Aid Content / Financial Aid Content for UC Davis en Financial Aid Basics in 3 Easy Steps /admissions/blog/financial-aid-basics-in-3-easy-steps <p><span><span><span><span><span><span>Paying for college can be difficult, but at UC Davis, we have the resources to help you get the financial support you need. We’re going to outline some of the financial aid basics to make sure you get the low-hanging fruit, plus some additional ways to round out your financial aid package.</span></span></span></span></span></span></p> December 12, 2022 - 10:23am Abigail Julianna Loomis /admissions/blog/financial-aid-basics-in-3-easy-steps UC Davis Welcomes Native American Opportunity Program for Students /news/uc-davis-welcomes-native-american-opportunity-program-students <p><span><span><span>In a continuing effort to make college more affordable and accessible to California Native American students, University of California, Davis, is working now to implement the </span><a href="https://admission.³Ô¹ÏºÚÁÏ"><span>UC Native American Opportunity Plan</span></a><span>, announced by University of California.</span></span></span></p> May 05, 2022 - 11:15am Karen Michele Nikos /news/uc-davis-welcomes-native-american-opportunity-program-students How I Found Money for College /admissions/blog/how-I-found-money-for-college <p><span><span><span><span><span><span>My name is Andrea Noguez, and I am a first-generation, fourth-year student at UC Davis. I come from a low-income, underrepresented minority community in Southern California. My schools were never highly ranked, and in all honesty, the lack of resources was astonishing. In my community, most students didn’t go to college so I never even thought about applying.</span></span></span></span></span></span></p> January 19, 2022 - 5:34pm Abigail Julianna Loomis /admissions/blog/how-I-found-money-for-college Students Win Strauss Scholarships for Public Service /news/2-students-win-strauss-scholarship-pursue-public-service-projects <p><span><span><span><span><span><span>A solar-powered well in rural Nigeria and a free diabetes clinic in Sacramento are among the undergraduate public service projects selected for funding by the Donald A. Strauss Foundation in 2021. UC Davis juniors Chiduben Victor Nnaji and Rishi Sharma will each be awarded $15,000 to implement their projects in the coming year.</span></span></span></span></span></span></p> May 27, 2021 - 4:20pm Julia Ann Easley /news/2-students-win-strauss-scholarship-pursue-public-service-projects UC Launches Campaign to Double the Pell Grant /news/uc-launches-double-pell-campaign <p>The University of California on Monday (Feb. 8) launched the&nbsp;Double the Pell campaign calling on Congress and the Biden administration to charter a more affordable pathway to higher education for America’s students and families. UC is partnering with the UC Student Association in the national advocacy effort to boost Pell Grants for low-income students across the country.</p> February 09, 2021 - 12:41pm Julia Ann Easley /news/uc-launches-double-pell-campaign Faculty, Staff Asked to Help Boost Student Compliance with New Requirement /news/faculty-staff-asked-help-boost-student-compliance-new-requirement <p>Beginning this fall quarter, students must confirm they have started academic activity for each registered course and acknowledge they have read the UC Davis <a href="">Code of Academic Conduct</a>. The campus is asking faculty and staff to help boost compliance by reminding students about the requirement.</p> September 25, 2018 - 12:23pm Cody Kitaura /news/faculty-staff-asked-help-boost-student-compliance-new-requirement Millions in Federal Grants for Community College Students Left on the Table /news/millions-federal-grants-community-college-students-left-table <p>A significant percentage of community college students don’t receive the federal aid for which they may be eligible.</p> April 18, 2018 - 5:02pm Karen Michele Nikos /news/millions-federal-grants-community-college-students-left-table Campus Provides More Financial Aid, Offers Larger Grants for Summer Study /news/campus-provides-more-financial-aid-offers-larger-grants-for-summer-study <p>More financial aid will be available for <a href="">Summer Sessions</a>, and other changes will provide larger grants and lower the number of academic units at which students receive a higher level of support.</p> <p>Eligible students who take six to nine units will receive $1,300; those who take 10 or more units will receive $2,400. Last year, the lower award was $1,100, and the higher amount of $2,200 didn’t kick in until students took 12&nbsp;units.</p> March 07, 2017 - 4:45pm Julia Ann Easley /news/campus-provides-more-financial-aid-offers-larger-grants-for-summer-study 9 Reasons to Study at UC Davis This Summer /news/9-reasons-study-uc-davis-summer <p>Summer study at UC Davis has a lot of offer to students wanting to make headway on a degree, with flexible study periods and record financial aid.</p> March 31, 2016 - 4:28pm Julia Ann Easley /news/9-reasons-study-uc-davis-summer UC Davis Aims to Increase Summer Study with Financial Aid Grants, Guaranteed Courses /news/record-investment-financial-aid-grants-guaranteed-courses-aim-increase-summer-study <p>The campus is adding an extra $1.9 million to make available a record $10.5 million in financial aid grants, and guaranteeing almost 300 courses against cancellation to help students take advantage of summer study to reduce their time to degree and overall cost of education.</p> <p>The increased support for <a href="">Summer Sessions</a> is expected to make these funds — which students don’t have to repay — available to nearly 6,500 students, up from the 4,375 who received grants last year.</p> February 26, 2016 - 12:50pm Julia Ann Easley /news/record-investment-financial-aid-grants-guaranteed-courses-aim-increase-summer-study