Shields Adds ‘Campus Authors,’ ‘New Books’ Displays

Library patrons peruse "Campus Authors" display.
Shields Library's new "Campus Authors" display is to the left of the main staircase. (Jessica Nussbaum/UC Davis)

Shields Library has added two book displays in the lobby — one for books by campus authors, one for new books to the library’s collection.

These are permanent displays. The books will be rotated, of course, as new titles arrive, so be sure to check the shelves regularly for new titles, both fiction and nonfiction, on a wide range of topics.

The Campus Authors display is located to the left of the main staircase. To find New Books, turn left upon entering the building and then left again at the Information Desk.

If you see a book you want to read, pick it up and take it straight to the Circulation Desk to check out!

Another kind of ‘book’

UC Davis’ new Human Library holds its inaugural “reading” next week — a program during which six human “books” will share their personal stories.

The Human Library is an international movement for social change that aims to “to build a positive framework for conversations that can challenge stereotypes and prejudices through dialogue.” The UC Davis Library is bringing this program to campus with the support of a UC Davis Diversity and Inclusion Innovation Grant.

The UC Davis Human Library, free and open to the public, will open Thursday, May 24, on the first floor of Shields Library. The program will run from 4:30 to 8 p.m.; people are invited to come for all or part of the event; .

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