Snyder’s ‘Wildfire News’ Leads New Anthology

Gary Snyder, with blue ribbon (holding UC Davis medal) around his neck.
Gary Snyder in conversation the night in 2009 when he received the UC Davis Medal. (Karin Higgins/UC Davis)

Pulitzer-Winning Poet Contributes to ‘Wildness’

Book cover "Wildness"

The book comprises poems and essays delving into the evolution of “wildness.” Snyder is among a culturally diverse lineup of writers, including Vandana Shiva, Robert Michael Pyle, Robin Kimmerer and Winona LaDuke.

Snyder’s poem “Wildfire News” leads off Part 1: “Wisdom of the Wild,” about the wildness of wilderness areas.

The book’s co-editor Gavin Van Horn, in his introduction, describes “Wildfire News” as “a nod toward chaotic planetary forces and the embodied wisdom of adaptive organisms such as redwood trees — a wild dance millions of years in the making that places human achievement in perspective.”

Part 2 of the book is titled “Working Wild,” about landscapes where people work, and Part 3 is called “Urban Wild.”

is a senior public information representative and editor of Dateline UC Davis, in the Office of Strategic Communications.

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